Monday, July 14, 2014

My Story

Hello!  My name is Camille and I am writing this blog to share my story with you and hopefully bring some hope and cheer.

My story begins on October 17, 2012.  After my diagnosis with Crohn's Disease my world was totally turned upside-down.  (At least that's what I thought at the time)  Shortly after my diagnosis life certainly got harder, but it most certainly got better.  Within a year of being sick I was so motivated to get better that I moved up from the back of my JV cross-country team to running varsity for my school, ultimately improving my 5K time by 15 minutes!  This was a huge miracle that I noticed but  I also began to notice the little things in life that God blesses us with that I often overlooked.

I started keeping a regular journal.  I began to write in it the best part of my day.  When going through a hard time it really helped open up my eyes to realize just how blessed I really am.  Crohn's Disease and all.  Now, I write some of the highlights (and occasional low moments) to show and hopefully encourage you in return.

This blog started out so focused on my diagnosis and such but it has hopefully grown to so much more.  I no longer view it as defining me, rather it shapes me into who I am supposed to be.  I am happy to say that the memories, blessings, good and hard times, friendships, tender mercies, and lessons that have come from a result of October 17 make it all worth it, and I wouldn't change what has happened for the world.  I truly truly mean this!

Currently, as of April 2015 I am in remission.  Nearly symptom free!!  I know that this miracle has come as a gift from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  They are the reasons that I find the 'blessing(s) in the curse'.  Life is good, life is oh so good.  My remission that has come after just 2 1/2 short years has really baffled some doctors, and when this happens I smile because I know that this is a miracle.

To manage my health I eat really healthy, and I try to include recipes.  I will be working on uploading more, so keep following this blog!  I am really careful to not stress or worry too much, as I am learning how very much this can affect anyone's health.  And I am working on becoming a healthy individual in mind, body, spirit, health, you name it.

I have been continually overwhelmed by the outpouring love and support from many people that I know and don't know who read this blog.  I originally started it because people were asking how I was doing and this was a source that they could turn to.  Now, I blog to share my joy and hope to many of you.  I hope that as you read this you will feel of my love for my Savior Jesus Christ, will come to understand that with God nothing is impossible, and will look for the many blessing(s) in the curse.


  1. I love your attitude. My son was just diagnosed last Thursday with CD. He's 13 and I think there's a risk that he'll feel frustrated about it. I love finding positive voices out there! Thanks!

  2. Wow, thank you so much! I always try to have a positive attitude about it, but it can be really hard sometimes. I'm sorry to hear that your son was just diagnosed with CD, I would love to answer any questions in the future that you or he has. Best of luck!
