Originally, I started this blog because I was getting asked so many questions about my journey with my diagnosis and miraculously healing. I was so tired of explaining the latest updates to many curious well meaning individuals. I would simply tell them "look at my blog". Quickly, however, my blog became my own journal in a sort of way. Less private, maybe, but still very personal. At first I was embarrassed just to have my family read it because it deals with the most sensitive part of my life. After sharing my blog more often I realized the unexpected encouragement it brought to those who read it. I liked the feedback I was receiving. Then, I realized all the many tender mercies and downright miracles that God placed in my life at a time when I was so fragile. ( To share your own tender mercy stories please comment or email me at blessinginthecurse@gmail.com) This blog is now becoming an excellent source to share my ever growing testimony. Specifically, about my testimony of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the complete rescue it provides from every kind of trial imaginable. October 17, 2012 I was diagnosed with a moderate/severe case of Crohn's Disease and Colitis. This diagnosis brought many unexpected "curses" (hence the title blessinginthecurse). Sadness, tiredness, E.R. visits, loneliness, hunger, having to cook literally everything I eat when I go to BYU, awkwardness on dates, etc. came with this already enormous diagnosis. However, these seemingly curses brought many blessings of self discover, learning about the Miraculous Atonement, a great essay topic for college :), new friendships, 15 minute faster 5K,a ever stronger need to pray, a very close relationship to my Mom, and so much more. If you, or anyone you know would follow my blog, that would mean the world to me! Thank you so so much! I know that I have been blessed with Crohn's Disease so that I can share my testimony with others and bless others lives!
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