Monday, September 29, 2014

Rough day!

Wow!  Today was rough!  I met Dr. Kawa, who was surprisingly really really nice.  That went well, thankfully.  Then I was proscribed a new medicine.  I started to cry cause this gave me a lot of hope of recovering.  Then we drove to the pharmacy and found out that the medicine for just 3 months will cost about 2,000$!
 Why the heck is this so expensive???  When I saw the price, I started to cry.  Because I feel bad that I my condition is so expensive.  When in reality it's not my fault.  I"m so thankful for supportive parents and a Dad who is willing to work so hard to do "whatever it takes to get me healthy".   Additionally, Dr. Kawa began to explain how taking this medication increases my chances of developing lymphoma.  What 18 year old girl needs to deal with this? So now after I am recovering from a hard day I am reverting back to my comfort measures.  That is eating homemade applesauce ( I can eat that!!) and wearing my "official mistletoe tester" sweatshirt that my Dad bought for me as a joke two years ago when I was so sick.  For some wired reason I wore that at home for like a whole entire year.  Now I guess I revert back to that when I'm feeling sick.  Also, this Thursday I have some more blood work to do.  Blah.  That never is fun. And I'm supposed to be writing my opinion editorial that is due tomorrow.  College never ever stops.  Even when you're sick.

Sometimes life stinks.
And it's ok to cry.

Thankfully tomorrow is a new day.
And it will be a better day.


  1. Awe, I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time. Will say a little prayer for you.

  2. Thank you Jenny. I hope you are doing great :) Miss you!
