This movie really hit home for me because I feel like this past year has been a heavy year for me, and for many of us. And for the grand finale of my oh so crazy year, I got really sick for finals week. I'm talkin' like lose your voice and no one in the testing center wants to sit by you kind of sick, haha.

After the first week of break my outlook became a lot more optimistic! But this did not happen automatically, no. Being optimistic often takes a lot of hard work, prayer, exercise (even when you don't want to!), and a conscious effort.
Here are some things that I'm sure happened to many of us in 2016...
***Notice how the "curse" always always has an accompanying "blessing"
Loneliness... can turn you outwards as you seek ways to serve others as you get to know them.
Self doubt... can be so uncomfortable that it propels you to accomplish goals that help you realize that you are already more capable than you know.
Recurring health issues... can remind you that God is in control and not you, humble you, increase your faith, and even bring many miracles in your life.
Heartache... reminds you that you are human and have that innate capacity to love and be loved, and teaches you the great feelings that come from healing.
Funny (though not in the moment) incidences... lets just say that I know a girl who forgot to pay her power bill and went without electricity for 2 days during a very rainy weekend............ moments like this can teach us to laugh and to let go of the "not so important" things as we focus on what really matters.
In summary, I am very excited to have a new year! With this being said, I know that we do not need to wait for the New Year to begin again. Every day is a fresh start and we can always try a bit harder without becoming down on ourselves. It is my hope for myself as well as for all those who read this that when hard things happen to us, we will pause long enough to notice all the collateral beauty that stems from our "so called problems".
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