Monday, August 3, 2020

I'm Pregnant!

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting blessing in the curse while I was away and thank you for reading this post. I'm sad to acknowledge that I haven't written on this blog since April, but let me tell you why...

I am pregnant!

Nearly 20 weeks! We found out last Thursday that we are having a little girl, and my heart is SO full! For those who have been reading my blog for a while now you know that I have Crohn's Disease (since 16), have had some pretty scary flares (including my worst one two years ago), and now I am happy to bring you this update that I am pregnant.

An update on my health. My Crohn's is behaving quite well! I recognize what a blessing this is and am sorry for those who do not have this experience while pregnant. I was healthy before pregnancy (hello routine colonoscopy) and made sure to have my disease in control before becoming pregnant. I am still taking Humira, which has literally saved my life. I would not be able to have a healthy pregnancy without Humira. There is no question. My OB and GI Dr. are supportive of me taking this medicine. And so far, baby looks healthy and there are no concerns. I acknowledge the risks of taking this medication while pregnant, but the benefits FAR outweigh the risks. For example, I wasn't even 100 lbs before taking this medication, and can now safely put on pregnancy weight. My appetite too, well that is back and I am thankful that my Crohn's is behaving well and allowing me to enjoy food. I will do another post about what I am eating later, for those interested.

I am moved beyond words, really. This baby I literally dreamed of several times, a little girl. And here we are having a little girl that is the blessing to my curse (Crohn's). I will always look at my baby and one day grown baby, and smile thinking about how God promised me that I would be healthy enough to have this little girl. I know that God wants to bless us! I want my little girl to know how special she is and what a symbol of hope she is.

I have looked towards several other IBD moms on social media for strength and comfort. Namely, Natalie Hayden (author or "lights, camera, Crohn's) and several others. These moms have also safely delivered babies while on Humira. Because of stories like this, I had the courage to jump into the world of motherhood. And now it is my turn, I want to share my story of pregnancy with Crohn's and motherhood to inspire other women that YES you can be a mom despite Crohn's Disease.

I have recently had a friend let me know that she missed reading blessing in the curse. I have missed writing on it. And honestly, my focus has been everywhere but here. Not because I wasn't interested in this blog, but because I was trying to do too much. But I have come to the realization that I cannot leave this blog alone. There are people out there who need to be strengthened from reading about my experience with Crohn's and my daily finding the "blessing in the curse". I would like blessing in the curse to become much bigger than it currently is. Growing this blog, starting a youtube channel with Crohn's information, recipes, etc. and maybe even a podcast. Please let me know what content you would like to see!

And lastly, to whoever is reading this... YES you can be a mom (or a dad) with Crohn's Disease!

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