Monday, May 5, 2014

AP Tests!

Summer is so close, I can feel it :)

This week I am taking 3 AP tests.
1 Done!
2 to go.

I can do this.

Ahh!  Especially AP calculus is going to be difficult, but lately, studying for that has been all that I have been doing.  And I am very thankful for my amazing AP calculus teacher who has prepared me very well.  He was also very understanding today when I asked if I could come later the morning of the AP test because I won't be eating the breakfast that he will be setting up at 3 A.M.  If I could eat the food I would love to be there.
Yikes!  I think he is more excited about the test than I am!

I also am filled with much gratitude, because although I'm stressed, my stomach is not in pain.
And that is a miracle.

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