Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A world of food

I am so happy right now!
Because my voice is starting to be heard.
Slightly, softly, but surely.
My blog, is intended to be the voice that I wish I had.
The voice that opens peoples eyes to others trials, and particularly my trial of hearing notoriously about the talk of food.
Certainly not to make light of this, but when people talk nonstop right in front of me about food that I cannot eat and wish I could, is like talking about your latest hairstyle in front of a cancer patient who has no hair.
It hurts that much.
Food may seem trivial until it is taken away from you, or severely limited and restricted.
Especially when most tasty foods make you extremely sick.
And often times, I am too embarrassed to explain to others.  So I just simply say I'm allergic, which is only partially true in the most simplified version.  In reality, I have intolerances to most foods, especially to genetically modified foods, such as corn and wheat, which are in EVERYTHING and my body causes an autoimmune reaction to what I eat.
It causes me a lot of pain and uncomfortableness.

Today during school lunch, which I always eat at home for convenience, I attended a National Honor Society meeting.  And let me just say, the meetings revolve around food.  They eat food, talk of food, wish for more food, plan for the next food fest, etc.  And I sit there, taking it all in as I drink my water.  Usually, times like this make me very sad and I usually cry when I get home.  After all, I am still pretty new at this life with Crohn's.  However, today I was subtly, but kindly shown some understanding.  Someone, kindly pointed out the fruit to me.  That to me was a kind gesture, even if it was questionable if I could eat it.  Another friend came up to me afterwards and told me "Wow, I'm so sorry!  NHS really does revolve around food."  To many people who have shown some recognition of this...  Thank you.

Welcome to this world.  Our world, your world, my world.  A world of food.
Whether you see it or not, food is a huge part of life.  Everyone's life.  Food is social.  Food is dating. Food is fun.  Food is memories.  Food is my past and my future.  Food is inconvenient.  Food is comfort for most.  Food is so so many things.
And luckily food is not the only part of life.  I'm so thankful for my family, friends, bright future, happy memories, excitement to look forward to ,  that keeps me going.  And going optimistic.

I do have BYU to look forward to!!

This week at school and church I have had several people come and tell me they are reading my blog.
Thank you!
I really feel excitement that my voice is being heard, even if it's still soft.
If you feel so inclined please share my blog.
Either on Facebook or directly with someone who may benefit.
My goal is to reach 3,000 page view before graduation on May 30th.
I know we can do it!!!
This blog is not just to complain and or appeal to those with similar circumstances.
This blog is designed to help anyone who faces trials.
And last time I checked that was everybody.
In other words, I am writing this blog for you.
blessinginthecurse is a page on Facebook that you could like as well.
There are also several pins on pinterest that you can repin :)

Thank you for reading my blog and following me as I navigate through life with Crohn's Disease.
I truly believe that many people's eyes are already being awakened to others needs.

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