Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wearing a smile

Last night I was in so much pain.
I don't even know why, other than simply I have Crohn's Disease.
I didn't eat anything bad.
I've been taking my medicine (mostly) oops!
And I hurt when I sit, lay down, or stand.
I simply hurt.

However, last night I said a prayer asking to be able to run the 5K this morning.
And guess what?
My prayer was answered!
I'm so thankful that I was able to run this morning.
No, I didn't run as fast as I hoped.
But I did run the whole way!
And I know that my pain will go away.
It always does.

I'm thankful for answered prayers.  And I know that my illness does not define me.  My strength and courage does.  And today I had courage to get out of bed, ignore my pain, and finish a 5K!
I am so thankful!

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