Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cross Country

Running is the best medicine!
It clears my head and relieves stress!
Remember two years ago how my 5K time was 36 minutes, cause I was so sick?
I'm so happy and proud to say that my senior year I improved ending up with a 5K time 21 minutes!!!

Right now, I am really missing my team and the cross country season.  The other night I had a dream I was racing again.
I miss that feeling.  But on Friday I am going to run a 5K!
Wahoo!  I am so excited!

PMA stands for positive mental attitude.
PMA helps tremendously!
If you haven't already,you should try it :)

Also, I need your advice…
Recently a Doctor told me that running isn't really the best thing for me and my Crohn's Disease.
For those of you with IBD, do you still run?
Lately, I've been running slightly which is fine.  It's when I do too much ( like 35 miles a week) then it becomes a problem.
I would possibly like to run a half marathon this summer… 
I would like some input and advice from those of you with IBD.
Thanks :)

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