Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Uphill View

I am loving this sunny weather! 65 degrees has never felt so good! And to celebrate my health and this good weather I went on a nice, long, and uphill run yesterday. Running is always so cathartic to me and that is why I run. And yesterday I had a lot of cool insights I realized while I was enjoying the warmth of the sun :)

 As I made it up the big hill, here is what the voice in my head told me... "sometimes you have got to push uphill to see the view".

Here are some other things I learned while running yesterday

  • Sometimes there is a "Blind Spot" ahead but you have to keep pushing forward because you know you are on the right path.
  • When you are working hard on the uphill path of life you may pass others at times, some may pass you, and as you pass each other you can be there to cheer each other on. 
  • Many times in life seem "blind" and "uphill" for a very long time, only to find that once you've reached the top you can finally see clearly why all of that has happened to you. 
  • And many times, the sun is right around the corner sometimes clouded by fog. 

I felt so good after my run yesterday! I am thankful for my health that I do have (most the time nearly 99% good). And I am thankful that I have had many uphill, blind, and cloudy journeys this past year. I know that I am headed on the right path, but God seems to be giving me answers very slowly lately. And I am finally starting to come to the top of some of these hills and am starting to see more clearly why God has allowed certain things to happen or not happen in my life. 

I hope that you can reflect and find confidence as you look down from your own uphill view. 

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