Friday, June 9, 2017

Choosing Courage and Positivity

I have never taken an official poll, but I am pretty positive that trials are downright hard and life can be pretty scary sometimes. Am I right, or am I right?

All jokes aside, yes I have been scared lately. Really scared and really worried. Not that I've been super sick or anything, but I haven't felt well for a little while. And if I choose to, I let fear get the best of me. And you see, fear is a funny little thing that makes ALL things more difficult. But like I said I am not super sick, I just have been feeling more symptoms than usual and that causes fear and fear makes me feel even worse. Yet somehow I am able to run several miles 4 times a week and teach a cycling class the other 2 days a week. I am able to have strength and stamina to work full time teaching others to be healthy and try to find balance in my life outside of work. I am teaching a weight loss clinic and my clients make comments about how I appear so healthy. And I am. Except when I tell myself that I'm not. Fear is the worst.

There is a quote that "people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be". I want to change this to say "people are about as healthy and well as they make their minds up to be". This is true. We are and we become and what we tell ourselves. Life is a constant battle for all of us to tell ourselves better stories and to predict better outcomes. Our body physically reacts to our thoughts and emotions. So... who's with me? Will you join me in the quest to think positively? And when you slip (as we all will), get right back up and try again!

This week I noticed something exciting on my blog. While looking at the search results of what words people google to find my blog, I noticed a trend. Some individuals google phrases like... Crohn's God's curse on me, yada yada, etc. lots of negative things... And you know what??? HA! My blog pops right up! Crohn's is not a curse from God. I repeat Crohn's is not a curse from God. And my blog is to share positivity and hope with others about finding joy in every single trial. You may not and probably don't have what I have. And I probably don't have your trials either. And they are all BLESSINGS to us as we consciously choose to see them. This was exciting to me to see that my blog was coming up with these search words because my goal is to demonstrate with total openness and honesty that through hard things is where the gentle guiding hand of God resides.

Also, I would like to give a shoutout to my amazing little sister! She will be serving an LDS Mission this upcoming September and I am learning a lot from her example. She is certainly choosing courage and positivity.  I love you!


  1. Had no idea about this blog until today. Truly inspiring.
