Saturday, October 28, 2017

Everyone's got their "thing"

Hey hey friends. How's it goin'? I hope you've all had a great weekend and have had some time to rest and recharge. I know that I always need my weekends to do so.

This weekend in fact, I spent it at home with my family so that I could recharge. I am really becoming a homebody, I think it's something to do with being sick this summer really scared me and put me into my place. For instance, things that used to seem so important don't seem so anymore. Like I still care about them but they are put into perspective. That cute boy you've been hoping to talk to, that party going on this weekend, or the test you've been studying so hard for... they all matter AND are important, but they don't seem so huge anymore. Like I hope they happen and I wish all the best. But also if they don't happen I don't really care so much. When it really comes down to it, I am grateful for the simple and truly important things in life. Like my health, my family, my safety, my future. I think that this is one of the big lessons God has been wanting me to learn from being sick. FOCUS

This evening, I had a wonderful talk with my dear cousin Drew. We got talking about how everyone has their "thing". Yes, for me one of my "things" is that I have Crohn's Disease. It is a fact. I do not like it. Nor would I ever trade it for anything. It is my "thing" to learn from and I take pride and yes, even joy in it. Your neighbor next door? Perhaps they have depression. Maybe their loved one just died. Or maybe they are struggling with self image or confidence. My point is that you never know the full story of what someone is going through! And to me what I have may look really hard to someone, but to me it's not so bad. I see others the same way, I am amazed at the strong individuals, warriors and survivors who surround us everyday.

I have this theory about life. I firmly believe that we are given the right amount of circumstances to push us just past the point of being comfortable on our own. These "things" make us so uncomfortable that they leave us with really two choices 1) we either become bitter and let this "thing" overpower us 2) we let this "thing" make us stronger and we come out better. I propose to you that as you turn to God, family, friends, and even tapping into your own inner strength that you can become stronger.

Another theory that I have about life is that our trials hit us where it really impacts us. For instance, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook. And yes, since 2012 and for the rest of my life the food that I eat is completely changed to control my symptoms. But because this trial hit me where it hurts I had no other choice than to grow from it. What was my other choice? To wallow and sulk? No. Sure that has it's time and place. But oh my friends, we did not come to life to be sad. We came here to find joy within our trials! Tonight I told my cousin that no is not an answer. Our trials may be hindering blocks, metaphorically brick walls, but we can always walk around them! Maybe the brick wall is too tall to climb, but did you ever think about walking the extra mile to get around?

The last example I am going to leave you with is the example of my Grandpa. I like to call him silly grandpa for that is how I knew him growing up. When I was in the 8th grade he suffered a severe stroke. Literally taking away his ability to play the piano forevermore from that instant then on. Just like food and cooking is my joy, piano was his. Through this trial I was able to witness his refining process of him finding hidden talents and gems in no other way than if his trial didn't hit him where it hurt. He became the most genuine, loving, and sincere person I have ever known. When people would go to visit him, it was the visitor who in turn left feeling uplifted. My grandpa had a knack for that. May we all be like my dear grandpa and use our trials as self discovery and really blessings in our curse. 

And lastly, remember, what you are going through is just a "thing". We've all got them. And you can find your way around it. And even thrive along the way.


  1. I Love this, Camille! As you know, one of my "things" is running. I always thought it was ironic that I had the "blessing" of rupturing an achilles tendon. I do agree, though, that being hit hard where it hurt the most has definitely shifted my focus on the priorities of life. Great insights! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much mom! Yes, I know that you first-handedly know how this feels. And from watching your example I have learned this lesson from you to learn from your trials and to grow. Love you lots and lots!

  2. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Everything will fall into place with time and the Lords will but we need to just focus on what matters most! You are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much, Brooke! I just read your blog yesterday and admire your strength and courage for sharing as well! Your comments mean a lot :)
