Thursday, November 23, 2017

Grateful For What I "Lack"

Happy Thanksgiving! I have been sooo busy lately, and because of that I have been somewhat quiet on my blog. Here is a little update for all of you, my blog has been reaching a wider audience and I couldn't be more excited! With that being said, it is overwhelming with how many plans I have and without completely knowing where to start. Graduation is approaching, and that means finding a real grown up job, I have an aspiration to be able to turn this blog into a full-time health coaching program one-day (hopefully in the near future), and I'm trying to keep on top of everything else. Nonetheless, life is really good. And today, especially today, on Thanksgiving my heart is full of gratitude.

Anddddd... drumroll please.... I have an interview this Tuesday! Please stay tuned because it is going to be posted and hopefully spread awareness about a topic I feel is very important. SIBO. Ever heard of that? Basically, SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. In summary, it is bad, should not be there, and so many individual suffer from this. Symptoms can vary from brain fog to intense stomach problems. This is why I believe I was in a flare all summer long. Unmeasurable thanks to my naturopath for working with me this summer to overcome this. Once we have gotten rid of, or dramatically reduced SIBO, I have been feeling AWESOME  for a solid two months now. Woot  woot! In this interview I am going to talk about what living with SIBO is like, how I overcame it, and what I am doing now about it.

SIBO is why I did the elemental diet this summer. 14 days of eating just that gross liquid drink. Nothing else. Nothing. And that my friends is why I am grateful for what I "lack". Thanksgiving is overwhelming for anyone, I feel immense gratitude for all that I do have. And the fact that I can't eat things like sugar, wheat, most dairy, or even grain has given me an appreciate for what I can eat and enjoy. And today there was plenty of food to be enjoyed! (I'll post about that soon). is the website that I will be working with for my interview, and you can find valuable information about SIBO there.

This has been difficult for me to post, and that is why it is several months later. The following videos are a result of several of my days on the elemental diet. It was amazing to see not only my physical health improve, but my mental and spiritual as well! Day 1 was hard to say the least, but by day 14, I actually enjoyed it! It is my hope that you will benefit from watching these videos and if you have questions about SIBO that you will contact me.

Lastly, I have been doing some health coaching and consulting about wellness and gut health in particular. I will do an initial 30 minute phone visit for free to see if this is something that can help you. And if you would like to do some coaching with me, please contact me at and refer me to friends who are facing gut issues.

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