"Hard is the constant in our lives... the variable is our reaction to the hard"
My, how true these words are! In a recent talk, by Stanley G. Ellis, this quote is found. I have studied talks such as this in preparation for my dreaded "procedure" this week. I have fed my mind positivity and reminded myself that "I CAN do hard things", "the Lord WILL help me", and "I AM going to be ok".
And you know what? All three of these things were proven true yet again.
At the ripe young age of 21, you could even say my prime, I have experienced 3 colonoscopies, 2 biopsies, and an endoscopy. And I'm just starting to accept (trying so hard to embrace) that this is going to be part of my routine every 2-3 years. It's going to be ok folks. Really.
Please tell me, how in the world are you supposed to tell people that you have this "thing" going on this weekend without embarrassment? That is why I have been so affectionately referring to this as my "procedure". Which it is. But hey, if you've made it this far I think you deserve to know more of the deets. Haha. I put this out there on the internet so that I can be real. Guys, I am human! And news flash, so are you. My body may be imperfect, but so is yours. And that is all part of the plan.
My imperfect body can still do a heck of a lot of things and I am pretty satisfied with that. I can eat food. I can sleep. I can serve. And hey, I am even training for another half marathon! I am so thankful for all that I can do.
Life is a blank canvas that is painted by our perspective on life.
I choose to paint mine beautiful through the brush of optimism.

Try it. Ask him for help with your greatest and smallest trials. I promise you that he will come running to your aide. I have learned this through experience and it is a fact that I cannot deny or even keep to myself.
The results?
Yes, you are probably wondering. Well, they are good! Only mild symptoms, which is much better than I expected. And even if the results were not good. I do have the faith to accept whatever the results are. I have been asking myself this week if I do. And I have realized, that yes, yes I do.
In those quiet moments as I was awaking from sedation I felt a surge of peace. I have been praying for this. And even before the doctor came in, it was confirmed to me through peace that everything is and was ok and that I am being healed.
This is why I am so passionate about exercise and wellness, nutrition, and my love for my Savior Jesus Christ. All are essential and all are healing me!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Life is good.
And boy, am I ready to get back into the swing of things! I am looking forward to putting this experience aside and living a healthy life!
Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out to me. It is always so touching to hear from individuals who have been uplifted in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you are struggling with some health right now. Just know that it can certainly turn around! I had been in remission for 2 years and this summer was rough, but I am now turning a positive corner for the most part. And you can too!
I hope to keep in touch, and never hesitate to reach out!