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Saturday, February 24, 2018
Miracles and Mountains to Climb
We all have figurative mountains to climb in our lives. Some big. Some small. And some in between.
No matter what "mountain" you are facing, it is important to remember just how very real it is and to be kind to yourself as you learn and grow from your "mountain" along the way.
One of my all time favorite Mormon Messages is titled just that. "Mountains to Climb". In this short video, there is a saying that I love so much. "Curing does not come automatically through time, but it does take time." I have seen this again and again that all things really do heal with time. Some more quickly than others, but all will inevitably heal.
This week in my religion class we had a discussion on miracles. And the question that I ask you is: has the day of miracles ceased? To which I answer with a positive no! Miracles have not ceased and miracles are right before our eyes every day. Multiple times a day.
Perhaps we need to change our very definition of what a miracle is. No, we may never see the Red Sea part again, but have you every watched forgiveness? What about that beautiful sunset on a hard day? Or how about physical or emotional healing with little to no explanation? For those looking for a further explanation on expanding your definition of miracles, watch this talk here.
Why I love the "Mountains to Climb" video so much is particularly because of the marathon runner who is now paralyzed. He had what he loved (running) be taken away from him. Trials have a way of doing this, they seem to hit us hardest where they will make the most impact.
And that is the beautiful part.
My grandpa, loved to play the piano and his stroke took that away from him. Athletes, olympians, and college stars get injured just when their season starts to take off. And I have had food taken away from me or the awkwardness of food in social situations be placed into my life where I thrive off of being social and have always loved to cook for others. And I am constantly thinking about taking care of my health when it just seems to come so effortlessly for so many others. And wellness is my college major. It has definitely hit me where it will impact me the most.
All of this may seem unfair. But I have a testimony that God compensates with what he takes away.
This is the miracle part. No, God does not bless us with something equal in return when he takes it away. He places something far greater in our lives to make up for whatever loss we may have. Often times he does this simultaneously as he takes something away. Often times this comes in the form of testimony, love, friendship, and life lessons of character development that could come from no other way.
Our class discussion on miracles pointed out something very thought provoking. Every single miracle that Jesus Christ performed was something that defied the social norms of society. For example, Jesus approached the leper, he talked to the women, he healed on the sabbath, he "broke" the certain expectations of the day to do what was truly correct.
My challenge to all of you reading this is to:
a) Identity what your "mountain" to climb is.
b) Find your "blessing in the curse" in your "mountain".
c) Expand your definition of miracles and begin to notice them daily.
My friends, you will be pleasantly surprised. For miracles are all around!
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