College is over and where do you turn next? Life has been planned always up until this moment and now what?
This age old question has been around forever and has clearly been figured out by so many. Then why is it so difficult to figure out?
My mind has been running 1,000 miles per hour and has been paralyzed all at the same time. I am even drawing a blank as to what to write about now.
I am going to figure it out and like always, I write openly to help you out as well.
Remember that time that you didn't know whether to sign up for basketball or soccer, so you just did both? Or what about deciding where to go on vacation, so you just picked a place and went for it? What about applying to college when you thought you'd only have one option, but ended up having multiple good options to choose from? All these times you thought you would never figure it out. And guess what? You did!

I would be lying if I told you that I was not downright scared about life right now. I am in love with my major, and don't really want school to end. I am successful at a job that I love, and can no longer stay once I am not a student. I've had so many promising job interviews that have led to closed doors. I have lots of potential interviews that I don't know if I should take or not. Friends to stay close to, not wanting to move away from at all. And quite frankly, I am only 21 and am trying to drag out my childhood as long as possible. Is that such a bad thing?
Man, making decisions is tough!
What if I shifted my perspective? Instead of thinking of all the doors closing, how about thinking of all the doors that are opening? You can't open a door that hasn't already been closed my friends!
This is about all I have to say on this matter right now. Other than pray to God and He will help you. Thankfully he knows where I am going next and where to turn.
Life IS really exciting and so I am trying to focus on the excitement instead of the fear.
Here's to the future!
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