Friday, April 20, 2018

Faith and Fear

I have learned a really valuable lesson this week. Actually, I already knew it, but perhaps I (at times) do not believe it.

Yeah, quite simple to say. And difficult to put into action. 

What have I been afraid of? The unknown. As human beings I think that it is a normal and natural part to want to control as much of the future as we can. Yes, we can set goals and keep moving in our chosen direction. But, *SPOILER ALERT* whatever "path" we think we anticipate will certainly have bumps and detours thrown along the way. I would say placed, but that sounds too easy. Life surprises are thrown in the mix and when we begin to "expect" that, then fear becomes a little less powerful. 

Life is going pretty swell for me right now. I am about to graduate, my health is decent, I have a boyfriend whom I adore, and I have accepted a job offer I am excited about! I really can't complain. So what is there to fear? Well, everything really. If I let myself. Earlier this week I was thinking of all that I am grateful for and for all that is going well and thinking to myself "there has to be something that will be thrown in the mix". And well yes that is true. Yes, God also finds immense pleasure in blessing our lives and sometimes we just need to sit back and enjoy our blessings. I also realize that this is social media. I always want to remain authentic and real with you. My life is not perfect, It would be 9,000,000X more convenient to say the least to not have an autoimmune illness. But I do, and this is my life. So I am going to love it!

I went in for routine blood work this week. I kept repeating in my head "there has to be something wrong that they will find." Fear felt very real to me and I began to somaticize the outcome, thinking that there has to be something coming my way because life seems just so good and so happy right now. 

Well guess what? Life is so good and so happy. :) 

The doctor called back the next day, not only with good results, but to tell me that my labs ALL looked completely normal. All of them! Usually they find one or two minor things. But this time, nada. 

Friends, family, random strangers reading this blog, you, God hears and answers your prayers. He is very concerned about all that concerns you. And He wants to bless your life and make you happy. 

We cannot control all that lies before us. But we can choose to have faith in the future and when we replace the fear of the unknown with faith, well, everything just fits into place. 

I don't know my entire future. But neither does anyone. I am excited for the next immediate chapter of my life. And my heart is extremely full of gratitude! 

My hope is that as you read this you will: 
1) Replace your fear with faith... it works wonders!
2) Involve God with your struggles... really talk to him!
3) Enjoy the blessings that life has to offer... we all have them!


  1. I loved reading this. I'm really happy for you. Good luck with your job!

  2. Thank you very much! I know it is good to spread hope and realize that even with Crohn's Disease there is much to celebrate and be happy about! I hope your son is experiencing the same.
