Easter (today) we are celebrating the life, resurrection, and atoning sacrifice of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. I love my Savior with all my heart and I trust that what took place over 2,000 years ago in the Garden of Gethsemane and on The Cross is sufficient to cover all of my pain, mistakes, sorrows, and trials. And it is enough to cover yours, too! I believe this with ALL of my heart and have come to learn it through experience.
For those who are new to my blog and just now reading for the first time, please look at the other posts for more of my testimony about my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have healed (and am still healing) so thouroughly from the health setbacks that I experience from time to time. And this is just scratching the surface of the miracles that Jesus can perform in each of our lives. We all go though really really really tough things and we never ever have to go at it alone! Please turn to Jesus Christ when going through something really difficult and He will carry you through. Because of what He experienced many years ago in Gethsemane He knows exactly how you feel and because of that exactly how to help you.
Jesus Christ rose on the third day as a perfectly resurrected being, and I know that we will all get that chance one day too.
Of all the things I am most excited for... at the very top of the list is to have a resurrected body that is free from all the mortal pain that (we all) experience!
All four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) give similar accounts as to what happened that Easter night. In addition to those marvelous passages, I encourage you to turn to Alma 7:11. In this scripture we learn that because of Gethsemane, Christ has compassion in his bowels and that they are filled with mercy. Let me tell ya folks. I know (slightly) what that feels like living with Crohn's to have compassion in your bowels. What Christ means by this phrase is that he literally has the deepest form of compassion that he can have and that he feels it with as much compassion as literally possible. When we ache, Christ literally aches along side us.

In conclusion, this painting is titled "Johny Made Whole". I love that after he experiences Christ's love, he is running off. Whole and complete. Christ does the same for each of us.
More of those pictures can be found here.
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