Monday, March 16, 2020

"Social Distancing"... Not Just For Your Elderly Neighbor

Hi Friends! I am saying hi from within the walls of my small apartment... because well who knows how long I will be in here. I am following the national recommendations for patients with IBD (crohn's and colitis).

Social media is an interesting thing, and so is the news media. Some sources make it sound like this is the end of the world. And some sources make it sound like this is no worse than a cold. I fall somewhere in between, I am scared but I think the media needs to STOP freaking people out. Things here in Utah have been wild, at the grocery store specifically.

Oh, and that TP sign up above. It is every person with IBD's worst emergency to run out of toilet paper! Luckily I have plenty haha (just like usual). So yes, these above pictures need to stop. We need to all reach out to one another and offer what we have. If we share then our needs will be met too where we lack. 

Now, I want to explain something. You cannot tell if someone is high risk just based upon what they look like, or what you think you know about them. There are many people like me on a class of medication called "biologics". Scary word huh? This medicine goes into your immune system and literally changes it. Cuts off if you would, some functions of the initial defense of your immune function. This is why if you know me I am often coughing. If I catch one thing it lingers until I get the next. This is why I am afraid. (Not too afraid, but being smart about things). 

This is what me and my husband (I'm still afraid to inject myself) did last night. 

Injection nights are never my favorite, but some are harder than others. Not because it hurts. But because I have to gather all my courage to put that into my body, knowing that on one hand I am hurting myself so that my own body doesn't keep hurting myself (aka all autoimmune conditions). This medication works. It works SO well. It is why I am still here after that summer of 2018. BUT, because it works so well is why I pick up germs all over that I used to not. 

Here is my call to action. Do not take coronavirus (covid19) lightly. We may not know if this is as bad as everyone is saying but wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? Wash your hands, stay home if you are the least bit sick, follow whatever local protocols are being put into place, give everyone the benefit of the doubt and don't laugh at others who may be scared. 

So what am I doing? I am choosing to self quarantine based upon the national IBD recommendations for those on Humira. At this point, I unfortunately don't have the option of working from home (things can change very quickly right now as we all know). So I had to make the hard decision of taking a leave of absence from work. Again, things can change quickly. This has been emotionally hard as I want to contribute financially as well as have that social interaction with my patients and friends whom I love. But the situation, I feel, is unsafe for me right now to work inside of a hospital. So for anyone reading this in a similar situation, I encourage you to do what you feel is best for you! You know your body best! 

In our unforeseen "free time" we have been exploring some really cool running trails!

I am curious... how have you been using your time during the coronavirus? And how is it effecting you? 

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