Saturday, May 10, 2014


Today I have courage to go to "I Day"!
What is I Day?
It stands for institute day and in my church it is for those graduating.
There will be a great speaker, Brad Wilcox, a dance, and wait for it…
A Dinner.


Yes I said it.
A Dinner.

I have no clue what they are serving so I will probably eat before I go.  This takes lots of courage cause I will probably be asked lots of questions.  I will also want to eat there.
But I am way excited for the speaker and dance.
So I am excited to go!

Graduation I right around the corner!  Yikes!
I just had my senior pictures taken and it is all starting to sink in.
I have grown up so much in the past year.
Largely due to my faith in Jesus Christ and learning and growing from Crohn's Disease.

Also Last night I found yet another friend who eats gluten free.  What the heck?  Why is this becoming such an epidemic?  Also, someone I know recently started a blog about her own Crohn's Disease.
That takes courage.  It is hard to talk about what so often embarrasses me, and so forth.  But I would be selfish if I don't share how I've grown from this experience.

So tonight, I will have courage to have a smile on my face.
Even with Crohn's Disease.

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