Wednesday, May 14, 2014

When I was sixteen

When I was sixteen I went on this AWFUL hike right before my birthday.
I don't (didn't) enjoy hiking anyways, but this hike ranks as the worst.
That is because I went on this hike right before finding out I have Cronh's Disease.
On this hike, I felt like I got hit by a bus.

Here are a few gems of some photos from the hike.

I had no idea what I was in for.

Everyone had smaller backpacks.  And healthy bodies.  Except for me.

I tried so hard to have a positive attitude!  Even though I felt like I was dying.  And quite possibly was, had I not seen a doctor when I did.

See how huge my backpack is?  And I was so skinny I had to have foam padding around my waist to add some weight to my body to support my backpack.  I lost so much weight, and was about 16 pounds lighter than normal at one point.

I was so determined to carry my backpack the whole way.  And I almost did.  (Thanks to those who did help me carry my backpack).  Once I reached my destination, I was greeted by a lovely "port-o-pottie".  That was a sight for sore eyes.  And my sore belly.  The next morning, was my sixteenth birthday.  And I was so sick.  I've heard that Crohn's typically shows up around 16 years old at the earliest.  I guess Crohn's couldn't wait to find me.
What I expected to be an awful birthday, turned out to be really sweet and one I'll definitely remember.
That evening all the girls from my church group ( it was a camp with my church) all gathered around the fire to tell me things they loved about me.  This made me cry, because feeling so awful inside, it sure felt so good to hear compliments.  Sincere compliments.

I felt so loved.

This is me and my wonderful best friend.  My sister!

When I was sixteen I wanted to have a sweet sixteen party like most other 16 year old girls do.
I did not.
Because I was sick.
And stayed really sick for nearly a year.
But I have something better than a sweet sixteen party.
Love from true friends and family.
And for that I am so grateful, because it has gotten me through EVERYTHING.
And I know that this love will continue to do so

When I was sixteen I looked like this.
Haha don't ask, it is a long story.

But now that I'm nearly 18 I'm happy to say that I don't' look like the above picture anymore.  Haha. 

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