Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Letter to My Daughter, Chloe

 My dear precious Chloe, welcome to the world! How happy I am to be your mamma. I hope to make you just as happy as you make me. Your entrance to this world wasn't the easiest, but you my precious daughter can do hard things! Before I was even pregnant I knew that I wanted to teach you that. In just the few short weeks we have known each other, I can tell that you are a very patient and strong baby who will grow into such an adult. Your daddy and I love you very much! 

You are named Chloe because I have always wanted a Chloe. I love your name. But more than that, I have talked about you, Chloe, for quite some time. You see, when I was very sick in 2018 I dreamed about a little girl I would feed and rock to sleep. I knew it was my baby girl and that you had dark hair. The moment I held you in my arms, I knew it was you Chloe. You brought me through being sick and it was because of you that I knew I would live to be your mother. 

Thank you Chloe for teaching me that my body is incredible. Pregnancy wasn't always easy, and I had my fears about being pregnant with Crohns Disease and while taking a biologic medication. But you knew it and God knew it that I could do it. Despite my body having difficulties throughout pregnancy, here you are Chloe healthy as can be! Your daddy and I jokingly call you "Chloe the wonder baby", because despite all odds you are here and thriving! Not only that but you can already lift your head and could somehow nurse as a 4 lb baby. Crohn's, biologics, COVID, and severe preeclampsia haven't stopped you, don't let anything stop you! Thank you for teaching me the value of taking care of myself through exercise. I know that it strengthened you to be a strong preemie baby. 

I sit here typing this as I peer into your crib. You Chloe, are beautiful inside and out. During the craziest year imaginable you are a beacon of light to so many in the world, especially to your mamma. I will always look at you and remember Gods grace. I often get insane bursts of happiness thinking about how you will be with me and daddy forever. 

I love you sweet little Chloe! I'm so excited to see who you grow up to be. 


Thank you to all the prayers and help we have received! Seth and I are very grateful for all the help and support we have been recipients of. Having a new baby is no easy feat! And having a pregnancy with Crohn's Disease can lead to all kinds of high risk situations, like severe preeclampsia. More details to come later. But for now, I want to know, what questions do you have about pregnancy with Crohn's Disease? I want to inspire other IBD moms that you can do it too!

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